Friday, March 31, 2006

Bahrain Dhow Disaster

My deepest condolences to the families and friends of the VICTIMS and survivors of the Dhow tragedy in Bahrain.

Sadly some asswipes like this F%C*WAD Blogger: User Profile: Antar with an email address of left a truly classless, insensitive and tasteless comment at concerning this tragic incident. This asswipe seems to be more worried about some tart named Mike "I sleep with little boys" Jackson than the victims and families of this horrible and tragic incident.

So please welcome ANTAR ( for winning the patented CEREBRALWASTE BRAINFART du Jour Award, for being a complete and utter classless piece of shit and brainless dickwad and insensitive retard in the face of a national tragedy that impacts people around the world. Good job! Not.....

Monday, March 27, 2006

Whose Been Drinking the Kool Aide?

For one it is actor Charlie Sheen. The ex prostitute visiting baseball throwing high school dropout has some "interesting" views on 9-11. We all know just how far left his father is but this new rant by the Kool Aide drinking Charles is too much! I won't get into the specifics here but this Disinformation :: Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Interview Attracts Media Attention sums it up pretty well.

All of this makes me wonder just what makes these people sip from the poison Kool Aide cup in the first place and does the general public at large even give a shit? And you don't have to be a celebrity to enjoy the drink either.

My good friend DIB has been known to sip the drink now and then. Though I pretty sure at times he only pretends to drink the Kool Aide and to be honest DIB's views are nothing as looney as Sheen's. A recent event in DIB's life will forever change his views on most things but that is for DIB to announce... I won't out him! The recent event that is! But from all practical standpoints what makes the looney left continue to be blind to the big picture? Is it not common sense that the US MUST protect itself from Muslim extremists that wish to do us harm? Is it not common sense that the US has the RIGHT to police it borders and evict those who are in the US ILLEGALY? Is it not common sense that it should be "Illegal" to be in the US "illegally"?

Facts are facts to most but the "looney left" likes to ignore the facts in order to promote it own agenda. To be fair the "right" does the same to a certain extent as well but it is the "looney left" that seems intent on selling the US out to the highest bidder and that doesn't mean the bids are in "cash' either. From immigration, to taxes to sex offenders registry's the Kool Aide drinking crowd seem diametrically opposed to these common sense ideas at the most basic level.

Common sense says if your not supposed to be in the country the you need to leave. If you won't do it on your own then by force if needed. I support immigration 100%. LEGAL IMMIGRATION. As with 99.999% of all Americans my ancestors came from another country. THEY DID IT in A LEGAL and proper manner. I don't think that is too much to ask from anyone else that wants to come here and live. Common sense and facts tell us that lower taxes HELP the economy. Even the poster boy of the Democratic part JFK understood this. It is the dirty little secret of the DNC. Time and time again this has been showed to be true. Basic common sense dictates that all citizens have a right to know what sexual perverts are living in their neighborhood. Forget about the issue of why these rapist, child molesters and sexual perverts aren't rotting in Jail in the first place. To the "Kool Aide" drinkers these perverts just need a "hug" and someone to tell them they are loved.. please.......

So today look around the people you know and ask yourself how many of them have drunk or are drinking the "Kool Aide". More importantly are YOU drinking it?

AS A CURIOUS UPDATE/SIDENOTE. These numbers come from an online Poll conducted by AOL and I think the numbers are quite telling as to where the American Public stands on the subject on ILLEGAL Immigration. It seems the vast majority of those polled are not drinking the "Kool Aide" at least on the immigration issue.

Would you support a temporary worker program?
Total Votes: 137,196

Would you support erecting a fence along the Mexican border?
Total Votes: 103,709

Should those who sneak across the border be treated as felons?
Total Votes: 104,412

How big of an issue is illegal immigration?
Not at all
Total Votes: 104,292

Should those already in the country have a path to citizenship?
Total Votes: 109,178

Friday, March 24, 2006


There is only one week left to enter the Civil Rights in the Middle East essay contest!

Young Middle Easterners are needed to write brief essays (600-2,000 words) about their vision and ideas for the future of the region. Winners can receive up to $2,000 us! Now who couldn't use up to an extra $2000 in their bank account??? HUH? For cryin' out loud that is the cost of a 42" PLASMA TV!

If you fit the criteria contained in the link above, then PLEASE get off your duffs and enter the contest. You can't win and make an impact in you don't enter! If you have your own blog I hope you will also post a message on it to help spread the word.
Now get crackin'!

Friday, March 17, 2006


There isn't a whole lot I can write in an intro about Ali Al Saeed. The Bahrain born and bred award winning author author/blogger/film maker/script writer, (and a fellow shawarma eater!!) Ali has been gracious enough to sit down and answer some very tough questions for CerebralWaste and for that I am thankful. Answers that are open, honest and in depth to a degree that you don't always see, but as an interviewer you hope for. After Ali agreed to the interview and I submitted the questions he fired off an email to me saying ""Holy Chicken! These are some fine mind-poking questions you got there."

That was a compliment I will always cherish!

After you read the interview you owe it to yourself to please pay a visit to Ali's blog at There you can learn more about Ali and his numerous projects. I think you will find after reading the interview Ali is a driven man and I am sure in the end he reap the well earned rewards that he so richly deserves.

So without further ado I am proud to bring you this interview and once again THANKS ALI for submitting yourself to this and for being a great friend!

1) Tell us a little about yourself Ali. Married? Single? Dating? Where did you go to school?
Woah! We just met dude. No, I'm not married. Not single. Not dating. Figure that one out! As for my schooling, did most of that here in Bahrain, attending the prestigious Isa Town Secondary School for “Boys”.
For some reason, whenever someone asks me and I tell them I've never been to Uni, they go silent for an awkward moment. Whether they feel sorry for me, or impressed by me, I can never tell.

2) What are some of the obstacles you have encountered and overcome as Arab author writing English language works and novels?
Over six years ago I went up to two well-known figures in the media and publishing industry in Bahrain with my writing, they both turned their backs on me. One of them actually told me that no one’s going to want to read my stories because they were in English!
A lot of people around me didn't understand what I was doing, and why. The concept and idea of wanting to become a writer – and an English fiction writer at that – was too difficult for some to grasp at first. But the frustrating thing was, at the time, that I got no support or encouragement from anyone, not even family and friends, apart from my girlfriend. That changed when they finally realized how serious I was about this, and once my novel was published, people I didn't even know became my closest friends.
Unfortunately, there is so much talent in Bahrain and around the Gulf, but they don't get the support or even the recognition. Let’s not forget that there are virtually no local publishers of English fiction. The publishing industry is weak and suffering and something needs to be done about that right away. Reading is a vital element in our intellectual, social and cultural progression.

3) When did you decide that you had a clear idea of wanting to become an author? What was the driving factor to write and be published in English?
I went through a very rough period in my life where I was lost and confused. I had no dreams or ambitions anymore and I was just going through the motions. It only occurred to me later on, sometime during my first couple of years as a journalist, that I've always had an affinity for writing. I've always been a daydreamer, in my head I lived alternative realities. I began putting these down to paper.
In one of my old shoe boxes, I found a comic book I wrote and drew called Equlaizer1, which was a science-fiction adventure. It was dated November 1988. I was ten. I have bunch of these comic journals. These made me realize that I've always had it in me. It was as if I found what I was looking for, found my driving force, a purpose. As I began to write and read more, I fell deeper in love with the idea of becoming a writer. I found joy and solitude in it.
I get asked a lot why do I write in English. Two reasons, a) I've always loved the language. English was my favorite subject in school. I grew up watching American/Western television, listening (and singing along) to rock music. My mother was an English teacher. I used to write pen-pals all over the world in English; b) it’s the language of the world. I want to communicate with the rest of the world, I want to be heard. And what better way to do that than through stories?

4) Have you ever considered writing in Arabic?
Sadly, I don't feel as confident writing in Arabic. I don't think I would be as expressive, which is a bit odd. But you have to keep in mind that my writing career, these past eight years, I've been writing for English-speaking publications only. So I never got the opportunity to write in Arabic. Having said that, Arabic is a beautiful language and some of the finest and greatest authors are Arabs, who wrote in Arabic. But it is also a much more difficult language to write with.

5) How would you categorize yourself as an author?
A quixotic one. Defiantly.

6) QuixotiQ was your first book. Can you tell us a little bit about the story itself and some of the recognition you have received on an international scale.
It’s a story about loneliness, shattered dreams, lost love and forgotten hopes. We all have dreams, when we sleep, and, as younglings we have pipe dreams. As a boy I dreamt of becoming either a pilot or a professional footballer. Obviously, that didn't happen. But it’s the way that different people react or deal with the fact that what we envision for our future isn't what life or fate has for us that matters, and QuixotiQ explores that.
It also deals with violence and how sometimes people turn to violence absent-mindedly, out of frustration, desperation and confusion.
I love the fact that the title reflects the characteristics of our main three characters in the book. We have Christina, who is excessively romantic, Roy who is impractical in his decisions and Guy who is impulsive in just about everything he does.
I was pleased with the feedback and reviews the novel received, which were mostly positive. Critics, editors and writers from around the world praised it as a “landmark in Bahraini literature” and a “genre-bending” story. One English language professor compared it, at least in concept, with Dostoyevsky’s Crime & Punishment, which, funnily enough, was in fact the second novel I ever read.

7) You also have a strong short story background as well. Have you found yourself wondering what direction as an author you should take? Short stories VS Novels or have you find a balance between the two? Or is it even an issue?
I'm not one of those method writers with one direction. Most authors have one eyehole through which they can explore their writing. I've got no less than a dozen on my door! I don't like to restrict myself, my imagination or my creativity. The whole point of my writing is to let all that lose.
Short stories and novels are completely different mediums. But if I'm being frank, I'd probably admit that I enjoy writing shorts more, because I feel that suits my style of writing better. It gives more room for my imagination.

8) Your works have received critical acclaim and numerous awards around the world. What award(s) has meant the most to you as a writer?
I think the Bahrain Outstanding Book of the Year Award will always mean a lot to me because it was the very first award I earn (I hope it won't be the last) and because it was a significant recognition from an official body in Bahrain, having struggled for years to earn that recognition, it felt rather sweet. Also, it came with a nice, little check!
I've also recently won a short story competition organized by an Australian e-publisher. Two of my short stories were also finalists in the Glimmer Train Press short fiction awards.

9) Do you see yourself as a trailblazer for other authors is the Arab world who might like to crack the English language market?
Well, I knew that I was going into uncharted territory with the publication of QuixotiQ. What I didn't know, or expect, was the reception it received from the public and the media. I never expected it to be this big. Rarely would I meet someone who has not read it, or heard about it. I've even heard that QuixotiQ is gaining cult-status amongst bookworms in Bahrain, which is oddly quite flattering.
It’s worthy to note that since the launch of QuixotiQ, at least two other young Bahraini writers published works in English. This is exactly what I was hoping to achieve, to encourage others to believe in their talents and creativity, and also to encourage youths to read.
One particular senior high school student said reading my novel inspired her to write and that now she wants to study English literature! Hearing such comments is heartwarming.

10) What is next for you as an author?
I have been invited by Soderton University in Stockholm, Sweden to participate in a five-day conference “From Oriental ism to Postcoloniality” next month (April), where I am hoping to showcase my work through the conference’s program.
On March 20th, I have a reading at Al Riwaq Art Gallery here in Bahrain and the following week I will be speaking at the Muharraq High School to students about my experiences and writing in general.

11) Why have you chosen to stay in Bahrain and pursue writing? Do you think you could have greater success if you relocated to the UK or the US? Or is location a non factor?
I've always dreamed and wanted to move abroad, start life somewhere else. For the time being I'm in Bahrain, building up my profile, hoping that would help in my plans to breakthrough internationally. My next step would naturally be to progress and expand and I personally feel that relocating to the UK, where the publishing industry is in fine form, is the appropriate move.

12) What goals have you set for yourself and are you continually revamping them as you mature as a writer?
Goals? I don't set goals. I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do and where I want to be, but I never tell myself that by 2010 I will make the NY best-seller list or that on May 12, 2017 I will win the Booker Prize! That’s just plain silly.
But I do hope that I could land an agent and a publisher in the very near future. My only hope and dream is to be acknowledged as a writer, a creator of stories. I've done that in my own country, now I'm ready to take on the rest of the world.

13) What do you do when you hit a "brick wall" and writers block sets in? Is it as simple as stepping away from the keyboard for a while or do you look for a form of inspiration?
My approach to writing is very impulsive, undisciplined. Sometimes I feel I'm closed in by four walls, which ever way I turn my writing path is blocked. Quite annoying really. It comes to me in spurts. But I think it all goes down to me being an impatient, compulsive writer.
If I sit down to write and nothing comes, there is no point in forcing it, as the results will be weak. Sometimes I find it helps when I go away and read a book or watch a movie, it re ignites inspiration.

14) Have you ever use any of these so called plot software programs that are one the market? Do you think these "plot software programs" take away from the imaginative process?
No I have not. And yes I do. The whole point of writing is to explore your creativity. If you don't have any, don't bother.

15) How many books are you working on now?
I have two novels in progress, Buried and Against. There are no less than three solid ideas for novels waiting in line as well. In fact one of them I think you'd find very drawn to, Shawarma. I'm also working on a non-fiction/photo essay book. And have a collection for short stories ready for publication, entitled Moments.

16) Some might find it difficult to understand how someone could manage several books being written at one time. Is this a common thing? I understand Stephen King often has 3 or 4 or more books going at once.
Well, it shouldn't be a common thing! Some find it distracting. But like I said, I have no method to my madness. I tend to write two thirds of a book and hit a wall. When I do, I start a new one. That’s what I did while I was writing QuixotiQ, I stopped and started Buried. Two thirds of the way through that, I stopped and started Against. I'm not quite sure why. I think the last third of any book is the hardest to write. It’s easy to start something, but getting to the finish line is what counts.

17) You also have been in on the blogging phenomena and Bahrain certainly leads the Arab world per capita in the number of blogs. I understand your blog has also won some awards as well. Do you see a good marriage between blogging and writing novels?
I think there are a hundred million other people better than me at it, but basically by keeping a blog you create an open portal between you and the cyber community. I personally started my blog as a way of promote my novel and general saying whatever comes to mind about writing, literature, films and music.

18) Tell us about your current film project?
It’s more of a multimedia project that in essence will include a 30-minute long documentary film, book and website. I am co-producing the film and writing the book. The Models of Success project showcases a number of successful, amazing women from around the GCC states, it tells their stories, achievements and highlights the role of women in the Arab/Muslim world.
Working on making a film has been an eye-opener and an extremely wonderful experience. And I learned a great deal about the process. What I enjoyed the most was having the opportunity to interact and work amidst a group of wonderful and talented young people in an openly creative environment. That in its own was worth the hassle of sleeping three hours a night and waking at 5 in the morning!

19) What was the inspiration for this?
The idea was perceived by director, producer and writer Art Jones, who is a university instructor. Through his interaction with young female students, he realized the importance of providing them with some form of inspirational guidance, presenting them with role models which they can look up to and aspire to follow.
The premier of the Models of Success film will be held on the evening of March, 204th and what promises to be a unique cultural affair.

20) Any plans or desires to turn QuixotiQ into a film or any of your other works?
I'd love to see QuixotiQ turned into a film, that would be brilliant. But as of now there are no such plans. But I am very keen on the idea of turning some of my work into films. That’s why I took my involvement in the MoS project as an opportunity to learn about the process of filmmaking.
I had actually written a screenplay, The Red Hand, based on one of my award-nominated short stories, which tackles a very sensitive and taboo subject matter in an Arab/Muslim community. I hope that I can get this project off the ground in the near future.

21) And the single most important question. What is you favorite shawarma place on the Island? (Bahrain)
I'll play it safe and go with Burger Land. Their chicken shawarmas are the best. Stuffed with French fries and mint leaves… Hold the mayo please. Although I must admit the new Shawarma Xpress franchise is making quite a stir within the shawarma-obsessed community!

Monday, March 13, 2006

CW Interviews: Haitham Salman,MD B.Med Sc, M.B.B.S, ABCP, MRCP, FAAP…

Bahraini Haitham Salman isn't just a specialized highly trained doctor. Heck no. Besides being a husband and father, he and his family are perhaps the only native Bahraini's (besides 1 other familiy) in the great State of Alaska. The furthest north State of the U.S., and one of only two US states that are not connected to the mainland. For those of you who might want or need a little geography lesson!

Besides being a TOP NOTCH medical professional, Dr. Haitham is also one of the best Table Tennis players in the US, and the current Alaska Table Tennis Open Champion. You might say his healing hands are fast hands as well! If you have ever seen these guys go at it you know what I mean. Forest Gump anyone?

There is much more to the man of course and CerebralWaste was lucky enough to catch the good Dr. and get him to sit down and bang out some answers to a few questions that came to mind. It also seems the blogging "flu" has caught up to Dr. Haitham as well as you can witness what is possibly the newest entry on the Bahraini blog scene, aka Bahraini in Alaska. Dr. Haitham's blog where he comments on everything that seems to come to his mind. It is a very refreshing read and one all should make a daily stop at.

CW thanks Dr. Haitham Salman, MD for taking some time out of his Pediatric filled hectic days and doing this interview. I hope you enjoy it as well. Did he say something about there being SHAWARMA in Alaska???? Read below and find out!

What made you decide to become a doctor?
I was interested in science and at an early age and I thought medicine is a field that uses multiple scientific fields to help people and alleviate suffering. Also the good social status of physicians was a factor.
Where did you attend Medical school?
Arabian Gulf University (AGU), Bahrain.
Of all the places on this Earth how did you wind up in Alaska?
Long story! But the short version; after 5 yrs of residency in Bahrain in which I got certified by the Arab board and MRCP(UK), I decided to come to USA for training on my own but I had to do it all over again! So I repeated a pediatric residency then did a fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care. One year prior to finishing my fellowship, I got an offer from Alaska as a pediatric intensivest. I had visa restriction that limited my opportunities to under served areas only. But almost all the under served states were looking for primary care physicians and I was over qualified for these positions. Alaska had a unique situation in which it was under served and in need for both primary and sub specialists. On the other hand, I was frustrated from the unhealthy environment in the hospital back home, with countless obstacles, which included among others an evaluation period 6 mo-1 yr or more before appointed as consultant. I got more frustrated to know that ministry of housing repossessed my land as I could not build it while I was in training. So, weighing my options, I decided for Alaska. However, due to the major changes that took place after 9/11 it took over 18 months to get my visa.
How do you find life in general in Alaska? Satisfying?
I am living in Anchorage, which is one of fastest growing cities in the US. This is a typical American city with all the usual malls and giant stores and fast food restaurants, but on a smaller scale. Also, it offers unique experience as the wilds Alaska is just few steps away. For those who love nature, hiking, fishing, hunting and winter sports; Alaska will be a dream comes true. Yes it is satisfying.
Alaska is a far cry and reach from what many in the lower 48 states would consider a livable. Have you been accepted by the locals?
Anchorage population (260,000) is mostly Caucasians (72%), blacks (6%) and natives (7%). I work at the Alaska Native hospital which is the referral hospital for the natives from all over Alaska. So, all off my interactions at work is with native kids and their families. And since I take care of very sick kids on life support, the interaction with the families at crisis is of vast importance. They showed acceptance, trust and a lot of respect which very much part of their culture.
I think we all can figure out how different Alaska and Bahrain are climate wise, but is Bahrain similar to Alaska in any way?
Despite the huge difference in the area between Bahrain (691 sq miles) and Alaska (656,425 sq miles, Alaska being the largest state in USA and twice the area of Texas) both share the same population! One more thing in common is the big petroleum industry. I tried, but that is all what I could come up with.
Are you aware of any other Bahraini's besides your family in Alaska?
Actually, there are two other physicians in Fairbanks a pediatrician and a radiation oncologist (a brother and a sister) both graduated form the AGU. They are of a Palestinian origin.
Did you find the contrast between one of the hottest climates on the earth (Bahrain) a hard adjustment to the harsh cold winter that can never seen to end in Alaska? How about the near 24 hours of daylight/darkness?
The contrast is obvious. However, Anchorage has a milder weather compared to the rest of Alaska, but still freeeeeezing. Winter sports make winter more livable. Depression is quite common with very short daylight. It has not affected me yet. The summer is really nice, but too much daylight. It gets hard to sleep when it is still sunny at 1 am!
When do you plan on leaving the US and would you consider returning to practice medicine?
This is hard question to answer, but hope to return and provide a service there when the professional atmosphere is more welcoming and fair.
If or when you return to Bahrain what do you plan to do and have you been keeping abreast of the medical happenings in Bahrain?
Well, my specialty is hospital based. And I follow closely all the ups and mostly downs of medical happenings in Bahrain. Also, we have a Bahrain Doctors Yahoo Group that kept us all in touch.
Considering the hours you work as a physician and the added stress and demands of having a family why did you start to blog?
I work in clusters, few days on then few days off. This gave me some time for the family, sport, reading and of course surfing the internet. I used to browse most of the discussion websites and local newspapers. Then just couple of months ago, I stumbled into “In My Opinion” blog for Amira Al Husaini. I found her writings very interesting, so I started commenting on her blog. One time I had long comment so she nicely said “get your own blog!”. I started blogging just 3 wks ago. To till you the truth I did not think I would be even noticed! And here you are showering me with questions. Blogs do provide alternate unregulated, uncensored avenue for news, opinions and discussions that goes beyond the still restricted newspapers, actually it can complement traditional journalism. Also the interaction with other bloggers with similar interests is exciting.
Could blogs or blogging find a viable place in the medical world? How?
I don't see a role in providing medical literature or scientific views. As those belong to peer reviewed medical journals. But certainly it could provide a lot in the human and ethical aspects of medicine.
What blogs (other than this one) do you frequent?
I think Mahmood’s Den is the major bus stop for all Bahraini bloggers! in my opinion, Chan'ad, Sillybahrainigirl, Manama Republic and the hilarious Zarnoog Bahrani
How do you feel about the current political and economic reforms in Bahrain?
Your question is just too broad! So I will divert my answer to few hopes; more power to the parliament with voting on legislation restricted to elected council only. I hope it will be more representative and vibrant as no more boycott. I think embracing few American principles would really work; equal opportunity employment, equal opportunity housing and lesser government role to name few.
And the most important question have you found and good shawarma in Alaska?
Actually I did, but it is served in a plate! Recently a Turkish restaurant was opened; yammi.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

"We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional, and other liberal bed-wetters. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights, and are so dim they require a:
"Bill of NON-Rights."
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing YOU anything material.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion,etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy. ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone, anytime and any where in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of the current public housing mess, we're just not interested in seeing that happen with a Hillary Clinton CREATED version of public health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair or hang from the gallows.
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.
ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.
ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness which, by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from! Immigrants since before the time America became AMERICA chose ENGLISH as the de facto language of choice not the language "du jour". So listen up all you Pedro's, Fatima's, Antonio's, Ahmed's, Hanz's and Jean Paul's... truck your sweet cheeks down to the local Community College and fork over the dosh for some ENGLISH language classes. It isn't asking too much if you are going to live here for an extended period of time that you SPEAK and understand the LANGUAGE. (lastly....)
ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH SHIT!!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

What Sets YOU off fellow RAGEAHOLICS? WELL? What is it?

I have often said, believed and practiced the mantra that it is the small things in life that push us over the edge. The house burns down... We hitch up our collective pants and rebuild. Your wife is diagnosed with a life threatening Brain Tumors... No problem the fine surgeons at Mass General will take care of those buggers and all will be well. Your rear ended by an fucking illegal alien who has no INSUARANCE and TOTALS your brand new TRUCK.. No problem... Your insurance sends you a check for a new one. Your bank screws up and loses a $10,000 deposit causing you to bounce checks all over town. NO biggie. It will all be sorted out... Don't worry be happy!

These things we as people see to be able to overcome with astonishing ease. Why is it many of us (or at least ME!) a ready to blow a head casket at the small things. Such as that FUCKING bag of POTATOE CHIPS that is a REAL serious BITCH to open. Or the asswipes at the market who never have the items that are in the WEEKLY ad? Or the extra shamarmy twit at the doctors office who's first question to you isn't "Hi How are you today?" but rather in the extra shrill overweight bee bonnet 3rd Grade librarian tone of.. "Insurance card please" Or the fact we are now needing an interpreter for your local 7-11 and a lesson to the guy on how to make change for a Twenty dollar bill when you pumped $10.00 in gas? Or those damn garbage men who can not seem to GENTLY set your garbage cans down. Rather they seem hell bent on treating your $9.99 trash can like.... Well, TRASH!!!!

Are you feeling my pain yet? (pun intended!)

Perhaps it is because the major incidents are just that. Major incidents. And on some sub concise level we recognize for the most part they are out of our collective control. Thus allowing us to cope. Someone get me a beer..PLEASE!!!!!

Still the small things that go wrong in life seem to leave the lasting impression on many and make me wonder should I be looking for the local RAGEAHOLICS meeting? Or are there others out there that feel the same way that I do? I know there are. I know people out there feel the same way I do. Question is do they(ie YOU) have the stones to say it? Does AMH have a RAGEAHOLIC Group?

Well what in the bloody hell are you waiting for damn it? Give me your answer? NOW!!

I want to know just what sets you off. Man, woman and child. Here is you chance to find out once and for all are our emotions similar when it comes to dealing with major issues and are we the same with the truly petty bullshit things that happen. You know the ones.. The stressful issues, things and situations that make you want to joke the living shit out of some asshole who desperately needs it...

Come on... OPEN UP your soul to CerebralWaste... My couch is your couch but don't you dare touch my remote!

Special thanks to BahrainiRants for inspiring me to RANT! It really pisses me off in a big kind of way he doesn't post on his blog more often... He must have a girlfriend or something sucking up all his time and not minding and tending to his blog on a semi weekly basis at least. BTW BR.. Where in the hell is the next installment of that awesome story you posted LAST YEAR?? HUH??? Don't make me get on a plane and fly to Bahrain... Don't do it! Now get cracking or there will be no REDSOX tickets for you this summer!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Warning for all MEN!!!!

Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties and local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. Many females use a date rape drug on the market called "Beer."

The drug is found in liquid form and is available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, or from taps and in large "kegs". Beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and sleep with them. A woman needs only to get a guy to consume a few units of Beer and then simply ask him home for no strings attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach.

After several beers, men will often succumb to the desires to sleep with horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking beer, men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that "something bad" had occurred.
At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life's savings, in a familiar scam known as "a relationship." In extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer term form of servitude and punishment referred to as "marriage."

Men are much more susceptible to this scam after beer is administered and sex is offered by the predatory females.

Please! Forward this warning to every male you know. If you fall victim to this "Beer" scam and the women administering it, there are male support groups where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter with similarly victimized men.

For the support group nearest you, just look up "Golf Clubs" in the phone book.
For a video to see how beer works click on web site below:

Special thanks to SBG for making my painful morning even more painful with uncontrolled laughter at this!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Lesson about who reads Newspapers
1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country.
3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles.
4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don't really understand The New York Times. They do, however, like their statistics shown in pie charts.
5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn't mind running the country -- if they could find the time -- and if they didn't have to leave Southern California to do it.
6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country and did a far superior job of it, thank you very much.
7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren't too sure who's running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on the train.
8. The New York Post is read by people who don't care who's running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated.
9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country but need the baseball scores.
10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren't sure there is a country .. or that anyone is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy - provided, of course, that they are not Republicans.
11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store.

And for the record I read the Wall Street Journal and have been known to write a column or two here and there for a certian unnamed paper!! Thanks to THE COLONEL for tossing this nugget my way!