RIP Toody's in Wakefield Massachusetts. It was good to know ya.
It all started at about 11:30 am this morning. Monday, October 17th 2005. My stomach was starting to growl. Yep time to feed my tapeworm. So being the nice guy that I am I slid my shoes on and limped my way across the street and banged on the door of my neighbor and good friend Eric. I figured I would ask Eric if he wanted to put the ole FEEDBAG on with me and go to the newly reopened world famous
TOODY'S in Wakefield Massachusetts.
Let me give you some background here. Toody's was an
INSTITUTION in Italian deli eating on the North Shore. It first opened in
1945 and was family owned and operated and most famous for its RED SAUCE. I mean people would drive from as far as Southern New Hampshire to buy a pint of their sauce. It was that good. So earlier this past summer when the family announced that where selling out a tremor was felt for miles around. Was this the end? Assurances had been given that the new owners would not be changing the "recipe" and all would be fine. WHEW! So much for that....
Anyway back to the story. Eric agreed to the chance to grab some food and off we went like a male version of Thelma and Louise. The first thing we notice was the name was changed. The ole TOODY's sign was still on the building but the new name was
DETTORRE'S "Italian Deli & Bella Cucina". Ok that's cool. Upscale name, new look, the place looked REVAMPED. Hey the original place wasn't dirty but shall we say... dated? We look for a menu board.. There is none. AHHH! There's a menu. We grab one. THANK GOODNESS. They still have my favorite Veal Parm and Eric's Meatball Subs on the menu! Now for those that know me there is only one thing I like better than a Veal Parm and that is 1 doz Beef Shawarmas and those just aren't available around these parts, so it doesn't take an advanced degree in Psychic Reading to know what we ordered. You got it... A Veal Parm and MeatBall sub. YEAH BABAY YEAH! I am feeling like a KING. Forget the fact the PATS lost yesterday, I am getting ready to CHOMP down on some good eating and all the better with a good friend too.
Ok so the orders are placed and I figured I would pay the tab. Eric is a good pal and he ponyed up for Patriots tickets TWICE and wouldn't take a DIME for my share so I pried the cash out of wallet (keeping the moths!) and paid. What seemed like a dragging 15 mins later we get the food and proceed to meander our way to our old favorite table. Guess not.
We where abruptly told you can no longer sit "in the dining room unless you ordered from the dining room". What? This is a SUB shop not a North End eatery? Ok OK so we prop our butts up on the stools and small bar type platform that encircles the other side and proceed to open up the subs and do what we do best and EAT!
Even with the somewhat long wait for the food and the snooty "you can't sit here" remark we where both very excited about sinking our teeth into the food. Until.... We started to eat.
Good Lord what have they given me. My veal Parm tasted like it had
FREEZER burn. The "sauce" was nothing more
PASTENE No Salt Kitchen Ready Ground Peeled Tomatoes. No Garlic, Basil, Oregano or other "ingredients" Just plain sauce. Smothered so thick you couldn't pick up the sub with out the veal sliding out the other end.
GROSS is an understatement. Eric's Meatball was no better. Neither of us finished the subs and both just looked at each other shell shocked as to what we just experienced.
I will never understand just how or why someone would buy an established sub shop (60 years old) and change the very essence of what made the place famous.And successfully. It is truly a big
BRAIN FART. To spend that kind of money to destroy something is beyond words. Though I did notice something that might explain it all printed on the new menu. On the very bottom of the new menu are the words
"STRAIGHT FROM THE NORTH END". Now for those of you out there who are not familiar with the North End of Boston well I have one world for you. ITALIAN. Italian from the day the Italians came to Boston and remains so to this day. How do these words explain the situation. Well they probably are "Straight from the North End" because there is no way in HELL any self respecting Italian from the North End is going to allow this shit to be served there. So the good people of the North End ran them out to the burbs.
So congrats to the nameless owners of DETTORRE'S. You are CerebralWaste's BRAINFART du JOUR.